Category Archives: training

What are you aiming at?

I’ve been goalsetting for 2019 both in business, wellness and dog performance sports. It has really made me realize I don’t speak about this often enough to my clients and…

Kaleb an agility dog in the making…

I am loving my new pup even though I’ve not been consistent talking about his training here, he is a blast to work with. He is not as drivey as…

Jackpot! Working the Recall

In my last post To come or not to come that is the question I mentioned using a Jackpot to reward your dog. This is an extremely effective tool. Merriam…

To come or not to come; that is the question.

My sister the famous food blogging photographer Dlyn has been encouraging me to write a bit more about my dog training techniques. I decided this could be a great way…

Hip Hip Hooray for Lacey and Patty

You guys know I teach agility dog training classes, right? I teach people to train their dogs to compete and really it is a great job. I get to spend…

More puppy stuff

I have had 7 dogs since I became an adult and each has been a new experience especially since I started formally training dogs and teaching others to train their…