Blog Archives

Happy New Year!

Don’t you just love a new year? It just stretches out in front of us with all kinds of potential and possibilities. What will it bring? Will it be good,…

Winter in New England

Some pics from out storm last Friday. It pretty much snowed all weekend.Enjoy! But we were warm and snug inside.

Christmas Dogs

Dogs are really like furry little children when it comes to Christmas. The cattle dogs especially like to unwrap. Jackaroo is so fast I couldn’t get a good picture. It…

The ice world

Whew Christmas Open House is over. Everyone had an awesome time.I just have to get a few stocking stuffers for Scott and I will be set for Christmas morning. Well…

Front Yard Backyard Meme & Ice!

It has been quite a week. Last Friday we woke up here in Central Massachusetts to a world of ice and no power. I was reminded of Narnia except we…

The new look

So bloggy friends how do you like my new look? I have winterized the blog. Come on I know you are visiting and not leaving a comment. Comment!Hal? Sheila? Irene?…

Do you love Christmas?

I absolutely love Christmas! I love all the decorations and lights. The shine, glitter and greenery and how it warms up the leafless landscape. I love carols and sing, listen…

Thank our Troops

Regardless of how you feel about the war in Iraq I think we can all agree the soldiers are making a huge sacrifice of their time. I was trolling my…

What a cutie

Look at this little dog! Isn’t she one of the cutest dogs you have ever seen?! I am still not feeling well so enjoy this little cutie for today.