Blog Archives

Kindle’s New Friend

Kindle met my friend Christie’s puppy Winee who is 10 months old already. They had a lovely play session. Enjoy!

She said it would happen…

Recently at an agility trial the weather was atrociously HOT! I mean it was 98 degrees and humid!!! Most club who sponsor show will make they have kiddie pools and…

She’s a genius

Training has begun and little Kindle is a quick study. Her tummy gets filled quickly so I have to make the most of mealtimes. I took this while hand feeding…

Meet Kindle

Can you stand how cute this baby is? I have tried a few names out on her, you all recall Rika from Smokin‘ Sweet Paprika, but it just didn’t fit…

Woohoo I have my new baby!!!

Well my sister Dlyn and I treked to Pennsylvania on Tuesday and picked up my new baby dog. She is AWESOME!!!! You can see a short chronicle of our trip…

We’re expecting!

Yes, it’s true we are getting a new baby. We are very excited and just look how beautiful she is. Yup another Australian Cattle dog and a red to boot….

Wednesday Photos

Just a few photos to let you all know I am still here. This beautiful pond was on the show grounds at an agility trial about a month ago. This…

Front door, Back door meme

Wow I am so late getting out here but look at the difference in my yard!Here is the back yard on April 16th. And today. and now the front yard…

I am so proud of my boy!!!!

Jackaroo was amazing this last weekend at the Agility Trial! We made a major breakthrough in our performance. He took FIRST PLACE in the Master Snooker class and got a…

Fish Training

CM, start training Alaina Azul. Here is inspiration.