Let me first say, I am not an athlete. I have never been an athlete. I was on the track team in high school and had to quit because I got sick. I took up jogging in my early 20’s fell off a curb and tore cartilage in my knee. Since then I have had 4 arthroscopic knee surgeries. I run funny, I an NOT graceful and I am not fast. But I love this sport. I have learned to be more physical and am in the process getting in shape, all the time. Someday I may even make it. But in the meantime I love the process.
I love dog training! I am totally intrigued, enthralled and challenged by how dogs learn, by how to get them to do what I want without coercion. It is amazing.
I love that my husband has chosen to be as enthralled with this sport as I am. It is a love and life we share. He was also willing to help me start a business surrounding dog agility and training and it has so blessed our lives.
Now before you think I am waxing maudlin, what I am trying to explain is why I keep doing this when things go like this.
well…. but sometimes they go like this.
I love my sport, I love my dog and I will do it again this weekend. Maybe I will have a new fantastic video to share with you.
Mark loved the video!
Dlyn, how did you know I loved the video ?? …. Oh, yah, there is another Mark in your life now. ; )
Weezee ….. that’s okay …. my teenage boys obey about like that too …. only I bet Jackaroo still gets a pet on the head and a hug. Can’t say I feel like hugging them when they won’t listen to me.
It was great to see you on the video. Maybe if I took up that sport it would help me too. The only pet I have right now is a newly aquired female Betta. Her name is Alaina Azul and she is my pet at work. So far I haven’t taught her any tricks.
Love, CM
Well, I was impressed! I don’t know how you OR the dog keep it straight!
Thought about you this weekend. I had to keep the kiddo busy for a few hours between check-out of the hotel and hubby being done with his work in Louisville. We found a local park, a state park named after Diane Sawyer’s dad! It was gorgeous. They were having a 5K and dog-lover’s festival called Waggin’ Trail. CUTE! They had an agility course for the dogs to try and it reminded me of you! Most of the dogs we watched were young and obvious amateurs, but it showed me how much training and work goes into it! Cool stuff!
Well written article.