Well it seems this wild turkey has decided to move in. I have seen her everyday for about 2 weeks now. I decided if she is going to hang around she has to have a name and Henrietta just seems to fit.Our Henrietta sashays about the yard and visits all the neighbors. She snacks on the leavings beneath the bird feeders.
I have noticed she has a special affinity for Scott’s nature path.
She grows bolder every day so I am getting some really good pictures of her. The dogs are half crazed when she makes her daily visit but even they are getting used to her. If she sticks around til November we will be all set. I have to go throw some seed on the front lawn.
Oh come on. We both know you won’t have the heart to shoot her in November. By then I figure she will be watching TV with you in the evening. Maybe she will have a place at the Thanksgiving table but not on it.
Oh you do know me so well.
We’ll see how fat she gets…..