Peaceful Sunday

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.Psalm 36:5-7

Our Easter Visitor

I think this lovely fellow was a bit confused when he visited last Sunday.Or perhaps he thought it was safe to come feast at the bird feeders on Easter rather…


Easter is always a family day for us. For the last 16 years Scott’s brothers and their families have joined us for an annual Easter egg hunt and dinner. Its…

Window on the world

We’ve had some cold and rainy days recently and though it doesn’t bother the dogs much, I am a wimp so we have not been outside as much. This means…

Poor Jackaroo

I know spring is on its way because the bees were out last weekend. Buzzing about probably searching for a great place to build the new hive, checking out the…

Weigh in day!

Woohoo! I lost 1.7 lbs this week. All my changes have made a huge difference not only because I lost but because I feel better. Working out more is helping…

Weigh-in day Grrrr

OK, so I am on a plateau. It happens, can’t say I am enjoying the view though.As frustrating as this is I am going to look at it positively. I…


I filled this bird feeder the other day wondering why I had not filled it for a few years. Well, I pulled into the driveway the other day a few…

Cutest puppy in the world!

I am sure you all agree!

Weigh in day!

Woohoo! I lost 1.6 this week. Go me!So lets see that leaves me 19.6 pounds more to lose.Right on track! I still have 2 months until my goal date June…