Monthly Archives: February 2008

He got the job!!!!

I am so late this morning but just can’t resist stopping to let you all know Scott got that job he interviewed for a couple weeks back. We had about…

You gotta have friends

My trip to the museum last Friday was awesome. Days where you get to wander with no plan except to look at beautiful things and learn about them are rare….

I love museums

This last Friday we had a snowstorm here in Massachusetts. A couple of my friends had invited me to go to Boston to the Museum of Fine Arts and we…

gotta blog

I’ve been a little busy the past few days so have not had time to put anything up here. I thought I would load a few pictures I have been…

Living with dogs

I love dogs, in fact I love pretty much everything about them. As a dog trainer I am obsessed with how they learn. I use several different positive methods to…

Still working on these photos. Thanks to the Dlyn school of Paint Shop Pro. Let me know what you think. My old girl is quite the looker. Here’s those cute…

Just foolin’ around

I am just fooling with my photos and Paint Shop Pro.What do you think? This is my 12 yr old Tasha. Isn’t she gorgeous? The winter wonderland in Massachusetts but…

A study in contrasts

My competition dog Jackaroo is a weird little dog. He absolutely loves running agility and all I have to do is say “Hey Jack, wanna jump, jump, jump?” and he…

123 Tag

Dlyn tagged me with the Page 123 meme so here I go : Instructions: 1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages). 2. Open the book…

Still waiting

Well we are still waiting to hear back from the company Scott interviewed with this week. I am also sick so I am home with not much to do except…