Blog Archives

Dog Agility Rocks!

I LOVE Dog Agility!Let me first say, I am not an athlete. I have never been an athlete. I was on the track team in high school and had to…

Take Care Lauren

My niece Lauren who is in the army is headed out today, overseas. She can’t tell us exactly where she is going but we are pretty certain of where she…

Dog show #2

Well we had our second show last weekend. The weather was horrendous, my nutty Jackaroo was a kooky maniac but Scott and our little star Beta did quite well. I…

On the mend now

Well, finally I am feeling better. Just in time too we have another big show this coming weekend. I went to my Dr. yesterday and she prescribed Prednisone steroids because…

Weezee, weezeeing

It was a dark and stormy night, suddenly there was a CRASH of thunder. Oh no, that’s me, coughing, coughing, coughing and coughing. I can’t believe I still have this…

First Dog show of the year!

Last Friday we loaded up the camper and headed out to our first agility trial of 2008. The dogs were as eager as we were to be off and hopped…

And We’re Off

The camper is packed and the dogs are being loaded, we are off to the first agility trial of the season. There will be pictures, videos and stories next week….

Not tagged but doin it anyway

I like this one, my sister Dlyn (go look at her gorgeous photos) did this one and invited whoever to steal it so I did. How long have you been…

Front door, Back door meme

My sister Dlyn tagged me with this photography meme.1. Step out your front door and take a picture.2. Step out your back door and take a picture.3. Put them on…

The plague

I was feeling pretty smug that I had not had a cold or the flu this winter. Well that will teach me. I started going downhill last Saturday and have…