Blog Archives

Waiting, I HATE IT!

Scott had a job interview last week and is at a second one for the same job as I write this. I am waiting to hear how it went. I…

Time to introduce the baby

Our youngest dog is Bryn Mawr’s All Rev’d up aka Beta. She is the world’s smallest Australian Cattle Dog or at least the smallest I have ever seen. Here ins…

They lost?!

Oh my gosh! We are stunned!The Pats lost the super bowl. Not even the commercials lessen the sting of it. Oh well (big sigh). Time to get ready for dog…

Locks of Love

I am so proud of my husband Scott!!! My hairdresser Carol owner of New Outlooks for Hair had a fund raiser today for Locks of Love . Locks of Love…

Happy Birthday Jackaroo

Today is Jackaroo’s birthday. He is 8 years old today! Later on we will stick a candle in a dog biscuit and sing happy birthday. It’s his favorite song so…

I got tagged

dlyn tagged me this morning, so here I go. Here are the rules.(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Post the rules on your blog.(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks…

Meet the Jackaroo

Koala Redhot Jumpin Jackaroo (aka Jack) is our 3rd dog and first Australian Cattle Dog. He was a rambunctious, go getter from the first day he came to live with…

The Pats are going to the Superbowl!!!!

Wow! what a game.We are so excited, the Pats did it 18-0, unbelievable!!!!We are planning our party, come over on Feb. 3rd and wear your Patriots garb!Woooohooooo Go Pats!!!!

January Thaw

January thaw means a lot of things to people. When you have 4 dogs it means only one thing….get out the shedding rake! I spent about 40 minutes last week…


It has been quite a week. With all the regular busy stuff that usually goes on in my life, might I add I love most of that busy stuff, this…